Thursday, May 20, 2010

I'm making Christmas cookies for friends but want a poem to give with them . . . . .?

I'd like to find a poem that would go with a batch of Christmas cookies. Perhaps funny, perhaps making each cookie symbolic for something etc etc. I got a bridal shower gift with several things in a box and a poem that said something like "Flour because flowers make your home beautiful" or something along those lines. So, I'm looking for a poem like that about cookies. Poem doesn't have to be related to Christmas at all.

I've searched google to no avail!

I'm making Christmas cookies for friends but want a poem to give with them . . . . .?
lovingly hand-made

like all the very best gifts

savor the seasons

Reply:Honestly, just try to think of something to write. The peom doesn't have to rhyme nor does it have to be a true poem it could just been a very warm greeting from yourself to whomever.

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