Thursday, May 20, 2010

When does the page boy come out?

Is the page boy supposed to come up the aisle with the flower girl? Or does he make an entrance after the bride? What order does the bridal party traditionally come in?

When does the page boy come out?
i think page boy is also a ring bearer.. if so!

you usually do the bridal party (maid of honor either first or last -your preference) and then the ring bearer/page boy and the flower girl right before you come down. *(you should be the only one walking on the flower petals if she's laying them down... my ring bearer was 2 and the brother of my flowergirl so they came down holding hands; as she is 5 and was able to lead him down. when it comes to kids in the wedding.. its totally whatever THEY will feel more comfortable with and whatever you perfer..
Reply:I have no clue what a page boy is. I've never heard of that. If the flower girl has no one to walk with, I'd have him walk with her. Its the best way and cute.
Reply:He would walk in with the flower girl, or just before her.

Most weddings seem to have the groom and groomsmen waiting at the front of the church. So the bridesmaids walk up in reverse order, then the Maid of Honour, then the ringbearer and flower girl, then the bride.

At our wedding, we had our attendants walk in as couples before us, and my husband and I walked down the aisle together.
Reply:Here is the order I used:

1st bridesmaid

2nd bridesmaid

3rd bridesmaid

jr bridesmaid (I know they traditonally go first, but it was my future step daughter so we wanted her to feel special)

maid of honor

flower girl and ring bearer together

Me and my dad

Maid or Matron of Honor

Ring Bearer (carries the rings on a ring pillow)

Flower Girl (dropping petals)

Bride and Her Escort

Page Boy (carrying or holding the Bride's train so it does not drag on the floor)

The Page Boy (or Girl) walks behind the Bride because he (or she) is holding the Bride's train.

Do not ask a small child (2 or 3 or 4 or 5) to be a Page Boy, their attention span is about thirty seconds, plus the train will probably be too heavy and bulky for them to carry.

Answered by: A Certified wedding specialist / A Professional bridal consultant / A Wedding ceremony officiant
Reply:Pageboy and ring bearer are same thing right?

First you would have the grooms parents walk down. Then the brides mother possibly with an usher. (they deserve a little attention too ya know)

You can have the groomsmen walk in followed by the groom but they are usually waiting at the front already.

Maid of Honor first

Rest of the bridesmaids follow. there is no order to this you can do it by height, eye color, or shoe size if you want.

Ring bearer

Flower girl

Bride and her Father

dress shoes

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